this is where some of the famous bollywood films of yester-years were born.
Linking Road
Linking Road
 shopping, with world-class stores esprit, tommy, mango, nine west, benetton, etc
Bandra Fort (or Fort Aguada)
at the tip of the Bandra promontary
Built by the Portuguese in 1640 to mark the southernmost tip of the mainland i.e. Salsette island. Not much remains.
Basilica of Our Lady of the Mount (or Mount Mary's Basilica)
Mount Mary Church Road, Bandra west
This is probably Mumbai's most famous church. A fair held annually on the Sunday following September 8 which is the Feast of Our Lady of the Mount draws visitors from all religions
Quaint villages
Of the original bandra people pali village, sherly, rajan, ranwar, chimbai, kantwadi, to name a few.