M.a. jinnah road, tel. 823141, 823015. centrally located. the rooms are a good value, and the manager will help you with everything and anything.
Armani Hotel
Airport Road
0092 (0) 3003800976
Airport Road towards Afghanistan
Variety of accommodation for all travelers and tourists. Friendly environment for all guests, with an international clientele.
Bloom Star Hotel
8 Stewart Rd
camping Rs300, Single with bathroom Rs600
in a side street of Jinnah Rd near train station
Clean Hotel with two gardens where you can pitch a tent. Also has a parking lot.
TV Station
All regional languages are represented here including pashto, brahui, baluchi, punjabi, persian, drama and current/youth affairs are the main trends.
Pakistan/fm 100:state run
FM 105: A new private radio channel which in a short time have captured the young audience of Quetta valley due to its modern and open approach to songs and current affairs.