Maxbank in Sabang has an ATM accepting local and international cards. In Puerto Galera, the Rural Bank and Allied Bank have ATMs which accept cards on the Megalink and Expressnet networks and at the Allied Bank Visa cards debit / credit. The nearest banks with international Cirrus/Maestro links are in Calapan or Batangas including ATMs at Batangas Pier.
The tourist center (http://www.touristcenter....) and the Tropicana restaurant do exchange money and traveler cheques as well as doing cash advances on credit cards. The exchange rates are not as good as in Manila, though. Western Union offices are located at the tourist center and at Tuping's Store eastern end of the beach. Credit cards are not widely accepted in Sabang except at some of the larger dive shops and resorts, so it's best to stock up on cash beforehand.