(http://www.novotel.com/no...) is within walking distance from downtown. it was renovated recently and offers about the same quality service as the previous choices.
Forrás Hotel
(http://www.hotelforras.sz...) is in újszeged, on the tisza river's opposite side from downtown. the hotel has an indoor thermal bath, which is open around the whole year.
City Hotel Szeged
(http://www.hungaryrooms.c...) elegant rooms and intimate restaurant rézangyal bistro are waiting for all those people who would like to take a rest in szeged or are on their business trip.
Dóm Hotel
(http://www.domhotel.hu/in...) recommended is a newer and offers some extra convenient services;
Hotel Royal
(http://www.royalhotel.hu/) is another older, but upscale hotel in the heart of the city;
Hotel Tisza
(http://www.tiszahotel.hu/) is an older, but renovated hotel in an excellent location right downtown;
Romance Hotel
(http://www.romancehotel.h...) is situated just in the heart of szeged, close to the main square, széchenyi square, the national teather, city hall, banks, and newly renovated thermal bath.