

Kiviks hotell

(http://www.kivikshotell.se/) on a hill two hundred yards from the ocean this hotel can be found in kivik's old fishing district. restaurant, spa and conference possibilities. phone: +46-414-71070 email: [email protected]

Karla kro

(http://www.karlabykro.se/...) once a farm, karla kro now offers hotel, restaurant and conference possibilities. prices start at 1585 sek 158 euro for doubles and 2220 sek 222 euro for singles. phone: +46-414-203 00 e-mail: [email protected]

Brantevik bykrog och hotell

Hotel and village pub in a beautiful marine environment. a small hotel with seven doubles. you can hear the waves break against the shore. prices start at 1150 sek 115 euro for doubles and 850 sek 85 euro for singles. phone: +46-414-22069 address: mã¤stergrã¤nd 2, 27238 brantevik