
The football soccer stadium is a great central point for learning your bearings map-wise of the city. Several of the larger roads meet in a round-about that uses the stadium as its hub.

By taxi
By taxi

As of June 2009, taxis directos will cost ~L80 for a 20 minute cross-town trip. Negotiating for the price before getting in is expected. Taxi drivers are a bit wild, so buckle up oops, they don't have seatbelts. Prices increase with number of passengers and late at night. Don't be afraid to walk away from an expensive offer - taxis are everywhere and you'll likely win the negotiation by walking away.

Colectivos, like the city buses, run set routes from one point to another. If you see a long line of people weaving down a side walk, this is most likely a collectivo line. As of June 2009, colectivos cost L11/person.

By bus
By bus

As of March 2007, Buses were 3 Lempira $0.16 but run set routes that most visitors won't know.

There are common bus stops throughout the town, but are unlabeled. Find a large group of people standing on the sidewalks for the largest selection of bus routes. To know the main destinations of the buses, look on the front of the bus above the windshield. Most buses operate to distinct neighborhoods and link to El Centro or the market in Comayaguela. In the market in Comayaguela you can also find many inter-city buses with various prices and various levels of comfort, ranging from the most common chicken-bus to double decker luxury buses.