A car is extremely useful to get around.
Taxi service is provided by American Taxi, a company based in York, +1 717 846-8294.
Local bus service is provided by Rabbit Transit (http://www.rabbittransit.org), with two local lines Routes 21 and 22 and one line Route 16 that connects to York. The local lines run from 6AM-6PM Monday through Saturday. The line to/from York runs from 7:45AM-6:30PM Monday through Friday.
Be careful of the only car rental in town, Enterprise on Carlisle Street. They have dubious practices. For example, they give you a car with empty gas, and upon return they charge you full gas. Also, their cars are pre-scratched under the front headlights, so if you decline insurance, they are ready to charge you for alleged "damage" to their cars.