Ghost Tour
Founded and designed by the author of "ghost in the valley" adi-kent-thomas jeffery. tours go weekly at main street and ferry street. $10 per person and no reservation is needed, just wear your walking shoes and walk along the streets of new hope with new and exiting ghost stories of its past. private tours can be arranged with a reservation. visit
The art in New Hope is enough to attract visitors and travelers. There are many art galleries ranging from contemporary art to classic landscapes, and everything in between. If visual and theater art are not your thing, you should check out the music scene in New Hope at night. New Hope is home to many local bands and performers who find venues in the small town.
TearDrop Memories NorthFork Pet Antiques
Unusual antique shop filled with Victorian mourning funeral antiques and 19th century bird cages.
The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge
On a nice day there is a walkway across the bridge from new hope to lambertville. in lambertville their are more shops, dining, and lodging. walking over the bridge is a great opportunity to take pictures of the two lovely towns and the water surrounding it. you can walk, or ride bikes across it.