The Schofield Ford Covered Bridge
Swamp Road
800-836-BUCKS phone
Was originally built in 1873, but burnt down in 1991 and was rebuilt a few years later. It is one of the longest bridges in Bucks County. You don't see covered bridges very often these days and back than they were a very popular type of bridge.
Half Moon Inn aka the Court Inn
Court Street and Centre Avenue
(215) 968-4004
Tuesdays from 9:00AM to 3:00PM, Thursdays from 7:00PM to 9:00PM, and by appointment
One of the oldest and historic buildings in the borough, houses the Research and Barnsley Room that holds the history of Newtown from its past to its present
Bucks County Fine Art Gallery
201 S. State Street
Exhibits contemporary painting, sculpture and fine crafts by regional and nationally recognized artists
Lovi Visual Art
151 N. State Street
Gallery specializing in contemporary sculpture and visual art.
Howard H. Geyer Art Gallery
Barclay Street