
By Cab

Several cab companies also operate throughout Easton and Lehigh Valley. These are:

Easton Taxi, 610-258-2888.

Lehigh Valley Taxi, 610-867-6000.

Quick Service Taxi, 610-434-8132.

By bus
By bus

Extensive bus services are provided by Lehigh and Northampton Transportation Authority LANTA. (http://lantabus.com)

By Horse & Carriage

Bethlehem Carriage Company offers historical tours and weddings across the Eastern Pennsylvania area. (http://www.bethlehemcarri...)

By Limo

J&J Luxury Transportation, 610-776-1516 or 1-800-726-5466 (http://jjtransportation.com/)

Elite Limosuine & Coach (http://www.elitelimo-pa.com/)

Champagne Limousine (http://www.champagne-limo...)

ABE Limousine (http://www.abelimo.net/)

Adamo Limo (http://www.adamolimo.com/)

Car One Limousine (http://www.car1limo.com/ca/)