
Illinois Korean War Memorial
Oak Ridge cemetery
+1 217 782-2177
Apr-Aug 10AM-4PM
Lincoln Memorial Garden
2301 E Lake Dr
+1 217 529-1111
Daily sunrise to sunset

Informal woodland garden designed by Jens Jensen. Consists of one hundred acres along Lake Springfield with more than five miles of nature trails populated by native Illinois wildflowers and trees. Also includes the Ostermeier Prairie, which is a restored century old farmstead.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum
112 N 6th St
+1 217-558-8844
$7.50/5.50/3.50/Free (Adults/Seniors 62+ & Military (with ID) & Students (with ID)/Children 5-15/Children under 5)
Daily 9AM-5PM

This stunning museum features extremely rare artifacts to Lincoln & others around him. Completely 21st Century in a good way, this has to be a must see.

Dana-Thomas House
301 E Lawrence Ave
+1 217 782-6776
$5 adults / $3 children suggested donation
W-Su 9AM-4PM

*TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR REPAIRS* Prairie style house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright that has been fully restored and preserved as a museum. Decorated with hundreds of pieces of original art glass and furniture designed by Wright for this location. The house was designed as a showplace for a Springfield socialite and it continues to impress visitors today.