Scheduled dates
Nature/Culture hike
Twice a year May and Sep a special walking tour takes visitors through some of the usually-unseen parts of the site. Normally conducted by an archeologist and author who has worked at Cahokia for over 35 years, the three hour tour is considered the best opportunity to really learn about Cahokia and its past. The group is also accompanied by a naturalist who points out which plants are native to the area and how they were used in prehistoric times.
Archeology Day
Each August, Archeology Day provides a chance to meet real archeologists, tour the summer excavations, touch prehistoric artifacts. The day also includes hands-on activities for all ages, including crafts, games, dancing. Try your hand at rolling a chunky stone and playing other prehistoric games.
Sunrise at Woodhenge
On the Sunday morning closest to the solar equinox Mar and Sep or the solar solstice Jun and Dec, early-risers gather to watch the sun line up with the wooden posts of Woodhenge. As the sun breaks over the horizon, an archeologist is on hand to explain how the massive solar calendar worked.
Join an excavation
If you would like to volunteer to participate in one of the summer excavations, complete an application in the early spring. Volunteers may work for just a few days or several weeks. Throughout the year, volunteers assist in lab work such as washing, labeling, packaging, and inventorying archaeological artifact collections. Contact the Visitors Center for an application.
Many activities are scheduled each year. While some are unique one-time events, others are repeated every year. A detailed calendar of upcoming events is available on the web. (
Every day
iPod audio-visual tours
iPods are available for rental in the Museum Shop. These are loaded with three outside tour trails Grand Plaza, Monks Mound, Woodhenge and a tour through the exhibit gallery in the Interpretive Center. Adult and child versions of each tour are included on the iPod. Available in English, German, and Spanish.
Public Tours
During June, July, and August public one hour tours are conducted Monday through Saturday at 10:30AM and 2:30PM, and Sunday at 12:30PM and 2:30PM. The early tour visits the Stockade reconstruction and goes up Monks Mound. The later tour goes through the Grand Plaza to the Twin Mounds and Mound 72. During April, May, September, and October public tours are conducted on Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30PM. No public outdoor tours Nov-Mar. No reservations are needed.
Additional tours
The most-popular tours are Grand Plaza and Monks Mound. These are well-marked, follow cement paths, and take about 30-45 minutes each. They have audio guides, iPod guides, printed guides, and human tour guides to help you understand the site.
In addition, there are several other defined trails with trail markers and printed guides.
special access
People with mobility issues may view a 17 minute video tour of the site. Free.
People with vision issues may use a Braille tour book of the outdoor areas. They may also use an artifact apron accompanied with a recorded audio tour of the museum. Free.
People with hearing issues may follow the orientation show with a written script and reading light. Free.