
Greyhound ( From Chicago, 3.5 hours.

Amtrak ( Lafayette is on the Cardinal/Hoosier state line. From Chicago, 3.5 hours.

Shuttle Bus from Chicago O'Hare Airport (http://www.expressaircoac...) 3 hours, $69.

Shuttle Bus from Chicago O'Hare Airport (http://www.lafayettelimo....) 3 hours, $60.

Purdue Airport ( does not carry commercial flights, but does allow private landings.

Lafayette Limo ( shuttle from Lafayette to the Indianapolis Airport, $27 one way, $50 round trip, around 1.5 hours.

Star of America ( shuttle from Lafayette to the Indianapolis Airport, $19 one way, $38 round trip, around 1.5 hours, free wi-fi on shuttle.

Suburban Express (http://www.suburbanexpres...) bus service between Purdue and the Chicago suburbs. Goes Purdue->Chicago on Friday, Chicago->Purdue on Sunday. $25 each way.