Derby Dinner Playhouse
( marriott dr. located next to holiday inn. live theatre with dinner included.
Wooded View Golf Course
(http://www.clarksvillepar...) broadway & potters ln. in endris park 18 hole golf course with driving range. endris park includes a lodge, playground and walking trails in a wooded area near silver creek.
Indiana Downs Off Track Betting
[ ( eastern blvd next to value city live horse racing simulcasts from around the nation. smoking and non smoking rooms available.
falls of the ohio state park
( Riverside Dr. at floodwall Interpretive Center with walk to Devonian fossil bed along rapids on the Ohio River.
Around 387 million years ago this area was a shallow tropical sea. Living in the waters were countless corals, sponges, mollusks, and now extinct brachiopods and echinoderms. Over time, as these animals died, they became buried in layers and layers of sediment that helped to fossilize them. As the Ice Age glaciers retreated, the numerous fossil beds became visible, seen most heavily in the park location, but throughout the Ohio River Valley.
American history is vast in the park, and is discussed at the visitors center. George Rogers Clark established the first English-speaking settlement in the Northwest Territory in a part of the park, in 1778. Aaron Burr trained military troops in the area for a proposed Mexican invasion. William Clark and Meriweather Lewis set off on their landmark journey from the area.
The Falls consist of a series of rapids which were formed by the water flowing over an island of fossil beds. Now, only a small set of rapids are visible, due to the building of the McAlpine Dam in the 1920s. More then 600 species of fossils are found within the park, including hundreds of brand new species.
Over 270 species of birds herons, egrets, waterfowl, osprey, falcons and the occasional bald eagle and 125 species of fish including the primitive paddlefish, striped bass, sauger, white bass, crappie and catfish are found in the park.
Festivals and events
Harvest Homecoming Festival
Early-mid October Harvest Homecoming Festival New Albany. (http://www.harvesthomecom...) The largest festival in southern Indiana brings participants from miles around. The festivities begin with a Saturday morning parade through the streets of New Albany. THe festival lasts for several weeks, and includes vendor booths downtown and carnival rides.
Thunder Over Louisville
late April Thunder Over Louisville Clarksville and Jeffersonville. (http://www.thunderoverlou...) The opening ceremonies to Louisville, Kentucky's Kentucky Derby Festival. Thunder Over Louisville is the largest annual fireworks show in the country, and the best viewing is along the Indiana shore of the Ohio River. If you plan to get a good seat, prepare to come the day before and camp. In the afternoon, private and military aircraft provide a magnificent airshow. After sunset, the fireworks begin and last nearly half an hour.