Festivals and events
Thunder Over Louisville
late April Thunder Over Louisville Clarksville and Jeffersonville. (http://www.thunderoverlou...) The opening ceremonies to Louisville, Kentucky's Kentucky Derby Festival. Thunder Over Louisville is the largest annual fireworks show in the country, and the best viewing is along the Indiana shore of the Ohio River. If you plan to get a good seat, prepare to come the day before and camp. In the afternoon, private and military aircraft provide a magnificent airshow. After sunset, the fireworks begin and last nearly half an hour.
Lanesville Heritage Weekend
Mid-September Lanesville Heritage Weekend Lanesville. (http://www.lanesville.k12...) A fall festival typical of many in southern Indiana. Is similar to a county fair, but later in the year. Local food and crafts are available, while rides and tractor and truck pulls provide entertainment.
Harvest Homecoming Festival
Early-mid October Harvest Homecoming Festival New Albany. (http://www.harvesthomecom...) The largest festival in southern Indiana brings participants from miles around. The festivities begin with a Saturday morning parade through the streets of New Albany. THe festival lasts for several weeks, and includes vendor booths downtown and carnival rides.