
By car
By car

Driving is probably the best option for getting around Duluth. The city generally does not have any traffic problems, although it can get congested in Canal Park.The city is built on a rather steep hill, so if you travel around anywhere other than downtown or I-35, make sure your brakes are in good order. It can be slushy in the winter as the road crews typically put down salt first, then plow the roads when traffic is lighter. However, being on the west side of the lake, Duluth doesn't normally receive the large lake-effect snowfalls, 2" to 6" is the normal snowstorm.US Highway 53 crosses from Wisconsin to the south to the Iron Range in the north, and will take you to Miller Hill Mall, on top of the hill on the west side. US Highway 2 runs east-west. Keep in mind that the majority of the city is laid out in a grid based on the Lake Superior shoreline. This is about 45 degrees off of true north, however the residents refer to east/west streets running parallel to the lake, and north/south avenues that are perpendicular to the lake. Lake Avenue is considered to be the dividing line between east and west.

By bike
By bike

The Arrowhead Regional Development Commission has made a bike map for the Twin Ports area (http://ardc.org/mic/bikem...).

By Bus/Taxi

If you don't have a car, you could use the public bus and trolley services operated by the Duluth Transit Authority DTA (http://duluthtransit.com....) Taxi +1 218 722-3311 and Yellow Taxi +1 218 727-1515 offer transportation within the city limits and into Wisconsin as well.