
Wintergreen Dogsled Lodge,

˜Ž +1 877-753-3386 +1 877-sled-fun, [email protected], (http://www.dogsledding.com).

Dorothy Molter Museum

Dorothy Molter Museum, (http://www.rootbeerlady.com/) just north of Ely tells about the life of the Root Beer Lady. Here you can learn about how she lived in solitude on Knife Lake, and how she made and sold root beer.

International Wolf Center
1396 Highway 169

Along the fernberg road just north of ely. here, learn about wolves and even see them up close. this is also one of the places where you might want to watch the safety video about the boundary waters, so why not pop into the wolf center and learn something!

Northern Tier National High Adventure Base
14798 Moose Lake Road

boy scouts, 14798 moose lake rd, ☎ +1 218 65-4811, (mailto:[email protected]), (http://www.ntier.org).

Northern Lakes Girl Scout Canoe Base


When you go out into the Boundary Waters, winter or summer, make sure that you have an up-to-date map and compass with you, and someone who knows how to use them. Be prepared for all types of weather, but pack as light as possible. No need to bring a fresh shirt for every day you are out there. A lighter load will make those portages enjoyable. Still, though, bring enough food. You will be surprised how much more you eat out there since you are constantly doing things. Also be aware that there may be a fire ban in the summer due to extreme dry weather. If this is the case, use a camp stove and bring enough fuel. But mostly, enjoy yourself out there, relax, and enjoy some of the best things that nature has to offer!

In town, there are homely, casual amusements and a relaxed atmosphere -- a bowling place, mini golf, karaoke club, and several parks.

In the winter: Dog sledding, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, and a variety of other winter activities, since the lakes have frozen over and are covered with snow. One place to book winter trips is through Wintergreen Dogsled Lodge (http://www.dogledding.com)

Boundary Waters Guide Service,

˜Ž +1 218 343-7951 [email protected], (http://www.boundarywaters...).


This is why most people venture all the way up to ely in summer. one of the options is of course to bring your own canoe and gear. but, if you don't own this type of outdoor gear, there are plenty of commercial canoe outfitters in ely. also, the girl scouts' northern lakes canoe base is a perfect way for girl scout troops or individual girls to go on canoeing trips, and is great for girls ages 11 and up and their mothers/troop leaders as well. the boy scouts have a similar program at the northern tier boy scouts high adventure base. and fishing is a possibility too remember to get a permit. in the summer: besides canoeing in the boundary waters canoe area wilderness in minnesota and the quetico provincial park in canada.