Twin Cities

By bus

By bus
Badger Coaches

4x weekly scheduled services in cooperation with Jefferson Lines to Wisconsin daily and Milwaukee, with a few local stops inbetween.

By bus

Service from Madison 4 times daily, Milwaukee 4 times daily, and Chicago 8 times daily. Fares can be as little as $1 each way if reserved far enough in advance. The bus stop is located in downtown Minneapolis in the parking lot on the east side of Chicago Avenue between 3rd Street and Washington Avenue about 1.5 blocks from the Metrodome and the Downtown East/Metrodome light rail station. Buses have wifi.

By bus
By bus

Greyhound Bus Lines and Jefferson Lines buses arrive at the Hawthorne Transportation Center, located at 950 Hawthorne Ave at 10th St, one block west of Hennepin in downtown Minneapolis. It's just a few minute's taxi ride away from most of the downtown hotels. It's 4-5 blocks away from a few major bus routes and the light rail. The depot is near a homeless shelter, so it's not uncommon to see a few homeless people hanging out nearby. The area is well-patrolled and quite safe. Some routes make additonal stops.

By train
By train

Amtrak, ( Trains arrive at Midway Station in Saint Paul, located at 730 Transfer Road one block north of University Avenue, near its intersection with Cleveland Avenue. The 16 busline comes within a block. Daily service via the "Empire Builder", trains 8/28 and 7/27, terminating at Chicago and Seattle or Portland.

By ship
By ship

Mississippi River. The river runs through both downtowns, but passenger boats don't serve the area. Huck Finn fantasies aside, arrival via the Mississippi is not recommended. Besides, Huck floated down river.

By plane
By plane
Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport

Most travelers will arrive in Terminal 1-Lindbergh. Terminal 2-Humphrey was recently rebuilt and serves primarily charter carriers. The Lindbergh terminal Charles Lindbergh was a Minnesotan, and one of his transatlantic planes is suspended above the ticketing area receives the bulk of renovation fees, however, and it is an attractive, modern, convenient, and well-designed terminal. The Humphrey terminal is also quite attractive; the terminals share the same runways, have long- and short-term parking set between them, and are equally convenient for transportation. Savvy travelers might check the terminal of their arrival or departure to communicate their location to friends, relatives, or other transport.

The Hiawatha light rail line (http://www.metrotransit.o...) serves both terminals as it runs between downtown Minneapolis and the Mall of America. Travel between the two terminals ( is free. Fare for traveling outside the airport is $1.75-2.25 (http://www.metrotransit.o...) depending on the time of day. The trains are fast and clean and, at times, one might imagine being in Holland or Disneyland while traveling their pristine route.

Airlines serving Terminal 1-Lindbergh:

Air Canada

Air Tran Airways

Alaska Airlines

American Airlines

Comair Airlines

Continental Airlines

Delta Air Lines major hub

Frontier Airlines


Mesaba Airlines


United Airlines

US Airways

Airlines serving Terminal 2-Humphrey:

Casino Express

Champion Air


Miami Air International

Midwest Connect Midwest Airlines

Omni Air International

Ryan International

Southwest Airlines

Sun Country Airlines also based in the Twin Cities

By car
By car

Two Interstate Highways, I-94 and I-35, travel through the Twin Cities travelling east/west and north/south respectively. I-35 splits as it passes through the Twin Cities, with I-35W coming through Minneapolis, and I-35E making an eastward bow through Saint Paul. Several other national and state highways also travel through the area.