Coney Island Inn
Coney Island Diner
Coney Island Diner is Mansfield's oldest restaurant and is famous for it's coneys and pea salad. The downtown eatery has been around since 1936 and has become famous among filmmakers and politicians.
Dairy Land
The drive-in restaurant has been serving Mansfield since 1947 and its menu serves ice cream, sundaes, shakes, sodas Pepsi products, fries, burgers, hotdogs, coneys, chicken and more. When you arive at Dairy Land, you just park and one of the servers will help you in taking your order. Before you go, you may want to ask for a menu a yellow paper menu full of good food and ice creams with prices listed to take with you so you know what to order on your next visit.
Mansfield Restaurant, Southside
Mansfield Restaurant, Westside
Stewart's Drive-In
The Stewart's Drive-In in Mansfield, Ohio was the first to open by Frank Stewart in 1924. Stewart's is famous for its Stewart's Fountain Classics root beer and hot dogs.
Grocery stores
Ask for discount card.
Geyer's Fresh Foods
One store in Mansfield at 2485 Possum Run Rd., Tel: +1 419-756-2850, (
One store in Ontario at 359 N. Lexington-Springmill Rd., Tel: +1 419-529-2950, ( Both stores are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.