
The Ohio Light Opera
1189 Beall Ave
Alice Noble Ice Arena
851 Oldman Road

(http://www.nobleice.com/) - 851 oldman rd, 330 345-8686

Christmas Run Pool
700 N Grant St.

Blessings ave, 330 262-2891

Wayne County Fair
601-629 Quinby Ave

(http://www.waynecountyfai...) - held each september.

Triway Lanes

(http://www.triwaylanes.com/) - bowling, 3392 columbus rd, 330 262-2451

Wayne Lanes
1983 E Lincoln Way

Bowling, 1983 e lincoln way, 330 264-9025

Freedlander Pool
400 Hillside Dr.

Buena vista dr, 330 345-8334

Knight Field Pool
701 Rebecca street

Rebecca st, 330 262-8468

Out of the Rough
1983 E Lincoln Way

Golf driving range, 4393 e lincoln way, 330 264-4941

Acres of Fun/Wooster Skateland Rollerskating Rink
3889 Friendsville Road
Lock & Load Paintball

1646 fulton rd, 330 435-4280

Vulture's Knob Mountain Bike Course and Race
4300 Mechanicsburg Road
Wooster Racquet & Fitness Club

1578 mechanicsburg rd, 330 262-8181