
Hilldale Mall
702 N Midvale Blvd
M-Sa 10-9, Su 11-6
Right off University and Midvale

Lots of independent stores, Morgan's Shoes, Playthings, Fair Indigo, etc. Also has some bigger more well known stores; Macy's, Anthropology, The North Face, Bath and Body Works. Has a grocery store, and also one of Robert Redford's Sundance Cinemas (http://www.sundancecinema...). Many restaurants, sit-down or to-go. Also nail and hair salons are present. Very nice, upper-scale mall.

West Towne Mall
66 West Towne Mall

+1 608 833-6330 (http://www.shopwesttowne-...). m-sa 10am-9pm, su 11am-6pm. a standard shopping mall on the west side of madison.

East Towne Mall
89 East Towne Mall

+1 608 244-1387 (http://www.shopeasttowne-...). m-sa 10am-9pm, su 11am-6pm. a standard shopping mall on the east side of madison, not far from i-39/i-90/i-94.

Madcity Music Exchange
600 Williamson Street

600 williamson st, +1 608 251-8558 ( m-f 11am-7pm, sa 10am-5pm, su 12pm-5pm. an independent music store featuring a very large selection of new and used vinyl records. a diverse selection of new and used cds are also on hand for a healthy sized non-vinyl inventory.