
Central Piedmont Community College

(http://www.cpcc.cc.nc.us) - the main branch is located just southeast of i-277, though there are others scattered around the area. cpcc has been noted as a relatively high-quality community college, and has increasingly integrated itself into the life of the city though the central campus itself is still a bit bland. recently, the college constructed a major new theater building, with a landmark statue on its front lawn.

Lava Lounge
1420 Elizabeth Ave
+1 704 376-3347
Tu-Th 8PM-2AM, F Sa 8PM-4AM

By far the hippest place to go for post-dance chillout. This is literally a lounge, though the small dance floor is often quite active. DJs play a diverse array of music while hookah smoke floats in front of live candles. A very low-key, exotic vibe. Cover charged only after 2AM on Friday and Saturday.

Visulite Theater
1615 Elizabeth Ave
+1 704 358-9200

Long-lived movie theater-turned-music house. Hosts a variety of acts, and is well-reputed as one of the city's most intimate atmospheres.

Central Piedmont Community College
1201 Elizabeth Ave
+1 704 330-6534
facilities are in multiple locations around Elizabeth Ave

This excellent community college is a center of activity. It regularly hosts events of all sizes, and its newly-constructed theater building is already a landmark.

Charlotte Roller Girls
310 N Kings Dr, Grade Cole Center

Quite the bruising and fascinating experience that has really grabbed the attention of many folks in Charlotte. Steadily attracting fans to watch this fast paced sporting event.