El Paso is rated the 2nd Safest City in the United States for its size. San Diego took the first spot. All records are based on the latest FBI reports.
Most of El Paso is safe from violent crime, and El Paso has a very low murder rate for a large American city. El Paso is generally very quiet and peaceful during the daytime, but take normal precautions at night. Areas to avoid at night may include near the international bridges, but curfews on both sides of the border have cut down on the number of aggressive, intoxicated juveniles at night.
Extreme caution is to be exercised in crossing into Mexico, at any time of day, and most locals will advise you not to cross. The Mexican drug war has made Juarez the unofficial "Murder Capital of the World," and while El Paso remains very safe, a day across the border is an adventure you might want to reconsider.
El Paso is also has a good neighbor atmosphere, and is a military friendly city.