Port Aransas

Port Aransas Chamber of Commerce/Tourist Bureau
403 W. Cotter. 361 749-5919 or 1-800-45-COAST. Stop by and peruse the visitor's info.

It is permissible to drive on the beach on Mustang Island. The sand is mostly packed but sometimes the winds builds loose drifts and it is easy to get stuck. If you do get stuck, don't panic. Stand outside your car looking dumbfounded by the situation and usually a few burly, macho, half-drunk guys will show up in a few minutes to help push you out. Be sure to shake their hands, thank them and offer them a beer if you've got it.

To park on the beach requires a beach parking permit available at the Chamber of Commerce and most stores around town. The police patrol the beach looking for problems as well as cars without parking permits.