San Marcos

By car
By car

Travel in most American cities, especially outside of major metro areas, is primarily by private vehicle. Parking is almost always abundant and free. There are a few lots close to the city square where the owners tow aggressively; be sure to watch for parking signs. The average tourist would be well-advised to rent a car from a rental agency if they don't already have their own vehicle. Traffic is usually light.

Take caution at some low water bridges. Never drive through a flooded low water crossing. Even a couple of inches of water can wash your car into the river. You then stand a good chance of losing your life.

By bus
By bus

Capital Area Rural Transportation System ( offers limited bus service. The fare is 50 cents.

By bike
By bike

Most attractions are very close to the down town and campus areas. While the hills sometimes get steep and can present an athletic challenge, many destinations are a very short ride away.