Organizing Transport From Niamey
Find some friends and split the cost for a car and driver. You might pay as much as 45,000F for the car and driver depending on the season and how far out the giraffes have wandered. He drives out to Kouré 65 km and you see a billboard on the left and a hut structure, this is the park headquarters. Some people arrange their transport through Abdou, 96-97-44-46 or for a large group you could go out to the mini-busses that leave from the Grand Marché and have a go at your own negotiations. Or talk to the city taxi drivers parked in front of Wadatta and aim to get the trip for around 20-25000F. During the rainy season, the giraffes are closer to the road. If this is the case you can avoid renting a car. Instead, go to Wadatta, buy a ticket, and take a bush taxi to Kouré, and then the guide will walk you over to the giraffes.