

Blackheath Guest House

Wilkinson road, tel:uk +4407946 886849.

Freetown Inn Hotel

Howe street town centre. a new hotel offering continuous electricity and airconditioned rooms.

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Bintumani Hotel

Aberdeen. chinese run hotel.

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Country Lodge Hotel

Hill station, 00232 22 235589 fax: 00232 22 235688, ( well located and popular hotel overlooking freetown. has a pool, fitness room and good bar/restaurants.

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Mamba Point

Wilberforce. they have one of the best restaurants in town, including a smart sushi restaurant.

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Airport Hotel
Turn right out of airport then first left

Close to the airport. Has good air conditioned rooms, swimming pool, bar and power most of the time.

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Radisson Mammy Yoko Hotel

When re-opened in 2014, this will be Freetown's first truly 4 star hotel. It is currently being refurbished to a very high standard. It is well located near to local bars and the beach.

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Kimbima Hotel

Near man o' war bay, aberdeen, ( overlooking the atlantic. take the road to the bintumani hotel and turn right just before the hotel entrance. good rooms from $110/night.

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Cabenda Hotel

Cabenda Hotel, 14 Signal Hill Road. From January 2009, the UN has exclusive use of the hotel.

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Lacs Villa


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Sierra Lighthouse Inn

Sierra Lighthouse Inn, Man of War bay, Aberdeen, tel +232 22 236676, (http://www.sierralighthou...). Also has a fine restaurant offering Lebanese and local cuisine. The grilled fish is highly recommended.

Freetown has some high standard hotels. All in the splurge section will offer air conditioned rooms with power available 24 hours per day. Most will also have Internet access, with some providing wireless access too. Hotels in the Aberdeen area are closest to Lumley beach. There are very few options in the main part of the town itself. During the busiest time of the year December-March it can be hard to find a room, especially with the closure of the Cape Sierra Hotel, Solar Hotel and Mammy Yoko Hotel all in Aberdeen. Booking ahead is advised.

Ohio 99

Regent street, freetown. small, well run guest house with flushing toilets, showers and small drinks bar. conveniently close to town centre and clean. from around $8 per night.