Pura Masceti
This is the least well known and the least visited of Bali's nine directional temples. It serves as a guardian to the island from evil sea spirits. It is an elabaorately decorated temple and is often the start point for large purification ceremonies on the nearby beaches.
Taman Gili
The remains of the original palace of the Klungkung royal family. Especially notable is the painted ceiling of the Kerta Gosa pavilion as this is the only surviving example of classical wayang art in the whole of Bali. Much of the rest of the palace was destroyed when fighting the Dutch in the early 20th century but there are some other interesting remnants. The local government tourist office is also located here.
Puputan Monument
This monument commemorates the 200 Balinese from the Klungkung royal family and court who died in the sacrificial puputan when fighting the Dutch in 1908. The large four sided statue in the centre of the same crossroads is the Kandi Pat Sare which symbolically guards the four cardinal points of the earth.
Gunarsa Museum of Classical & Modern Art
Owned by Nyoman Gunarsa, one of Bali's most famous modern artists, and exhibits his work. Also of great interest is a huge collection of traditional Balinese art and other objects. Really worth a visit and gets far less visitors than it deserves.