Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park


Java Banana Bromo Lodge
Jl Raya Bromo, Wonotoro, Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java
+62 335 541193
Prices from Rp 750,000

A cozy boutique hotel with beautiful views. It is a lodge, cafe and gallery. Also offer mountain bike rental.

Grand Bromo Hotel
Desa Sukapura, Probolinggo, East Java
+62 335 581103
Internet rates from US$55 and frequently included on package tours

Formerly this was clearly the grandest place to stay near the park but Java Banana may now hold that accolade. Located in Sukapura about one hour down the hill from Cemoro Lawang.

Cemoro lawang

cemoro lawang
Lava View Lodge
Cemoro Lawang
+62 335 541009
From Rp 375,000

The most upmarket option in Cemoro Lawang, located at the caldera edge some 500 m west of the village and the price is a bit higher than other options here. Looks better from outside than in, but the rooms are clean and have hot water.

cemoro lawang
Cafe Lava
Cemoro Lawang
From Rp 178,000 for an economy room
very close to the park entrance

This is a budget option and it does have a rather wonderful name. Famous for its cheery attitude to visitors and notoriously bad food! Also, the hot showers don't work very well.

cemoro lawang
Hotel Bromo Permai
Jl Raya Cemoro Lawang, Ngadisari
+62 335 541021

It is right on top in a fabulous location but it is not cheap compared to the other options. Also reports of the hot water and heating not working.


Bromo Cottages
Tosari, Pasuaran
+62 335 515253
From Rp 600,000

Despite the name, it is actually a fairly upmarket hotel with 100 rooms. Has a good Chinese restaurant attached and can arrange car hire. Offer a full compliment of organised tours in and around the park as well as catering for the independent traveller.

Bromo Surya Indah Homestay
Wonokitri village
+62 343 571049
About Rp 120,000

Simple place to stay in an excellent location. Popular with budget travellers.


Camping is certainly possible in the park but you must register at the Cemoro Lawang gate where there is an adjacent campsite. There are many sources of safe, fresh water in the park - ask locally.

Potential campers should be very aware of how cold it gets here though and be thoroughly prepared for that. Heavy duty sleeping bags are essential.


There are plenty of accommodation options around the park. Facilities at Cemoro Lawang and elsewhere close to the caldera are quite basic though and those visitors looking for more comfortable accommodation should stay in Sukapura or Tosari.