Tangerang is a satellite city of Jakarta in West Java, Indonesia. The head of government in the city of Tangerang is a mayor "walikota". There are 5 sub-districts "kecamatan" in the city of Tangerang: Tangerang postal code 1511X, Batuceper 15121, 15122, 15127-15129, Benda 15123-15126, Jatiuwung 1513X, Cipondoh 1514X, Ciledug 1515X.
The population of the city of Tangerang is 1,488,666 people. The area is 165 sq. km. The population density is 9047 people/sq. km.
Tangerang Regency/"Kabupaten Tangerang", is the suburbs of Tangerang. The head of government is a regent "bupati". There are 26 districts/"Kecamatan" on Tangerang regency.
The population of the Tangerang residency is 3,080,237 people. The area is 1,110 sq. km. The population density is 2775 people/sq. km.