
There are many pleasant traffic-free walks in Bogor, alongside rivers and canals.

The traffic in Bogor is chaotic. There is a daily traffic jam in Bogor from early in the morning to late in the afternoon. On weekend and holiday, people from Jakarta often go to Bogor with their cars.

By Minibus

The easiest way to get around Bogor is by angkot, little green minibuses, hordes of which infest Bogor's central streets. Any trip from anywhere to anywhere costs Rp 2,000, paid when you get off.

The downsides to using angkot are that the drivers are reckless and theft is all too common guard your belongings. Also,some angkot like 02 or 03 only depart from their pangkalan terminals when full — 10 min on a good day on a busy route, 90 minutes on a bad day on an unpopular one.

By Car Rental
Panen Rental
By taxi
By taxi

Blue Bird Taxis operate in Bogor, but prepared as they generally can turn up late or sometimes not at all, make sure you call 10 min after ordering to check it is coming. Allow an extra half an hour for your airport taxi.

By Horse Cart

Horse carts known as delman can be found in central Bogor and not too bad an option if you want to cruise around and take a look at the city. The poor beasts aren't very comfortable in the traffic scrum though.