Banda Aceh

Masjid Raya Baiturrahman/Grand Mosque
Jl. Moh. Jam
Muslim dresscode

Baiturrahman is a great mosque located at the heart of Banda Aceh, The mosque has five black coloured domes and white four minarets. The mosque stands upon an elegantly green landscape. The white washed walls and minerals and charcoal blacks domes of the Grand Mosque are the most famous landmark in Aceh. The Mosque was built in 12 Century and caught fire several time including during a Dutch attack upon Kutaraja Banda Aceh in 1873. A replacement mosque was built by the Dutch military government and was completed in 1883. The Mosque is extraordinary in architecture and ornamentation. It has five onion shaped domes, two tall minarets, wide white walls and decoratively ornamented pillars.

Cut Nya Dien House

Cut Nya Dien was an Indonesian woman revolutionist from Aceh. The house is a replica of the heroine Cut Nyak Dhien House, from the Aceh War. The colonial forces burned down the house but a replica was built later. This house in Lam Pisang, about 6 km from Banda Aceh and is now is a museum. The house is in Lampisang Village, Lhok Nga subdistrict, Greater Aceh district. Although Lhok Nga was the area worst hit by tsunami, the Tjut Nyak Dhien House survived. The daughter of a chieftain, Tjut Nyak Dhien joined the fight against the Dutch invaders in 1875. Her first husband fell in battle, and she remarried. When her second husband also died fighting, she continued the struggle with her children. After six years in the jungle, she was captured by the Dutch and exiled to West Java where she passed away in 1906. Tjut Nyak Dhien is recognised as one of the National Warriors of Indonesia.

Gunongan and Taman Putroe Phang

Gunongan had erected by Sultan Iskandar Muda 1607 - 1636 as a private playground and bathing place for this wife Putro Phang From Malaysia. This whimsical architectural fantasy had access to the sultan's palace through the traditional 'Pintu Aceh', used by royalty only. This building likely functioned as an important recreational peace located in the Taman Sari Park for the Queen and other royal family members to climb. It is quite enjoyable to visit this place during the late afternoon or sunset.

Tsunami tour

tsunami tour

It is possible to go on a "Tsunami Tour" as there are many boats still inland and other monuments devoted to the devastating day in 2004.

tsunami tour
Fisherman boat on an inhabitant house
Desa Lampulo, Kota Alam

59 people were reportedly saved by boarding this small boat and riding it to safety. Very dramatic image indeed.

tsunami tour
Floating Electric Generator Ship
Kampung Bunge Blangcut, Jayabaru

A ship was carried 5 km inland during the tsunami. You can get a nice overview of the city from the top of the ship.

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Tsunami Monument & Garden

Located beside the electric generator ship.

tsunami tour

Apung 1 ship, a 2,600 ton vessel that was swept 2 km inland. Now it is a tourist attraction.