
You can find all the traditional Indonesian food here. Bataks for example love babi panggang which are small pieces of roast pork with a special blood sauce. Also ikan mas arsik goldfish and cincang small pieces of pork are traditional Batak dishes.

Besides Batak dishes you will also find many Chinese restaurants. Most famous Chinese dish from this area is Mie Keriting Siantar. The most popular place to eat Chinese food and Chinese Indonesian fusion foods is Jl. Surabaya one of the roads connecting the two main roads of the city which offer an array of Kedai eating houses and Kopi Tiam literally coffee house. Another well known place to visit is Roti Ganda, which is famous for its bread. It is popular with locals largely Chinese and Bataks and gets very crowded in the morning. Most eateries are open at night some as late as midnight.