Standards are low at this village near-the-end-of-the-world. Just look around as things change fast. The guesthouses in Pakbeng are all along the main street, just hundred meters away from the boat docking area. A room with shared bathroom will cost about 3US$, while an own Bathroom will costs an extra 1-2US$ rooms can mostly be paid in Thai Bath and Laos Kip as well. There might be places where you can get a room for 2 dollars, but you 'll have to search long and bargain hard. Considering hot water: make sure that your bathroom has an individual electic boiler, as there are guesthouses with central boilers that only provide a certain amount of hot water for the whole guesthouse on a first-come-first-serve basis. Touts are prevalent in Pakbeng, and you will be bothered. However, these touts are very laid back, especially compared to Thailand. If you are after a really cheap option, it is possible to get a mattress and a Mosquito net under a veranda for about 0.50US$. Just watch out for monkeys.
It is possible, but not necessary to book accomodation in Pakbeng in advance, as there are plenty of guesthouses and almost all visitors stay only one night.
The exception to this rule is if you're looking for something a little more upmarket, in which case you have only two choices.