
Local famous food that can be taken during lunch or dinner will be plain rice with silver catfish in durian paste or locally known as "Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak". It is a popular and very savory dish and is in fact a traditional dish in the state of Pahang. Its popular in the inland riverine areas as the Patin fish is found in abundance in the rivers of Pahang, especially in the Sungai Pahang.

It will cost you in a region of RM5-15 per dish for a reared wild silver catfish, but don't get yourself caught by surprise as a single slice from the wild silver catfish dish quite can cost you around RM40-50 per slice.

Few eateries and stall available at evening/ night in Benteng where you can savour mostly with Thai like food, western and local food. Chinese food are also available at Sungai Jan and other parts of the town. Indian foods are available and scattered in various part of this small town.

Kentucky Fried Chicken is available in front of Jerantut's bus station.

Local fruits like durians, duku, langsat are relatively cheap but only available in seasonal.