Kürschnergasse 8
near Wenigemarkt
Nice cafe and bar with the opportunity to sit outside and have a nice look at the Gera river. Every day they offer a different special - check out the website!
Wenigemarkt 5 (http://www.restaurant-fau...). nice bar and restaurant that offers breakfast, lunch and dinner and every day a special deal.
Tolle Knolle
Lange brã¼cke 53 (http://www.dietolleknolle.de/) near domplatz). great for hearty potato casseroles, one of germany's traditional dishes.
FAM (Feines am Markt)
Am Fischmarkt 19
left side of the town hall, Fischmarkt
Nice location with the option to sit outside and watch passing by people, good breakfast and food in general. Closed on Mondays!
Walkmã¼hlstraãe 13 (http://www.solymar-erfurt.de/). very nice bar and lounge for cocktails, snacks and other beverages. caribbean and relaxing flair through very nice furniture.