
Alte Liebe
Old Love is a former quai turned viewing platform at the entrance to the Cuxhaven harbour. Good view of passing ships. Loudspeakers announce their names and origin.
Schloß Ritzebüttel
Small castle-like building near the Nordersteinstraße shopping area.


The Kugelbake marks the geographic point where the Elbe river ends. Originally intended as a navigation aid, it is one of the more notable constructions in the region. It was incorporated in the Cuxhaven coat of arms when the city was incorporated and remains one of its primary landmarks.

Water Tower

Located next to the Alte Liebe, the Sempahor is a construction from the year 1884 that is used to communicate wind strength and direction to passing ships. It is still set every day.
Ship Wreck Museum. Dorfstraße 80, Stickenbüttel. +49 4721 23341 fax: +49 4721 690876. Open March 28th to November 4th in 2004, may vary each year, Mon closed, Tue-Fri 10AM - 6PM, Weekend + Holiday 10AM - 5PM. Only museum in Europe that has ship wrecks as its topic. € 3.00 for adults, € 2.00 for teenagers.
Elbe 1
A retired lighthouse-ship (http://www.feuerschiff-el...).

Relics of the launch pad of operation Backfire, the last launch of V2-rockets in Germany in form of a trough near the way from Arensch to Sahleburg and some shelter remnants (, (http://www.modellraketenb...)