
Flensburg offers a nice shopping district with old houses and gardens as well as a variety of museums and churches. The harbour is the hosting place for sailing regatta and events.


Museumsberg Flensburg - a museum on a hill in the center of Flensburg exhibiting local history artefacts and art by not only local artists. – Entry: 6,- €, Children under 18 years: entry is free 2011. On Mondays it is closed, otherwise open from 10 - 5.

Naturwissenschaftliches Museum und Eiszeit-Haus Science Museum and Ice-Age House - located on the museum hill next to the other museum, same opening times. – Entry: 6,- €, Children under 18 years: entry is free. Museumsberg 1, Tel.: +49 0461 / 85 - 25 04. Eiszeit-Haus – Open: Mittwoch and Sonntag 10.30 - 16.00 h, entry is free. Mühlenstraße 5 - 7

Phänomenta- an interactive science museum, where you can try experiments on you own, especially interesting for families and children and anybody interested in science. Prices vary from 9,50€ for adults to 7€ for youth and 2€ for children. Opening times on weekdays are 9-5 October to May and 10-6 July to September and 11-6 on weekends.

Museumswerft Shipyard museum-this museum shows and builds old ships and boats and offers courses for children, teenagers and adults. Free entry, open from 8-5 weekdays and 10-5 weekends, tours can be given when informed in advance. It is located directly on the harbour.

Churches:The following churches have an interesting architecture and are located in the centre of Flensburg. Click (http://www.flensburg-onli...) for an almost complete list of churches in Flensburg.

St. Nikolai Lutheran

St. Marien Lutheran

St. Johannis Lutheran

St. Marien, schmerzhafte Mutter Roman-Catholic

Helligåndskirken Church of the Holy Spirit, Danish church, Lutheran