Walk around the Altstadt and enjoy the the charming atmosphere of the former queen of the Hanseatic League.
The Lübeck Tourism site (http://www.luebeck-touris...) offers excellent guidance on self guided tours as well as guided tours.
Take a bus/boat ride to Travemünde, a sea side resort and enjoy the view of the Baltic Sea. A bus journey is preferred, as it would take about 20 minutes. A boat ride however, would be much more scenic. For further information, enquire at the "Welcome Center" at the Holstentor.
Visit the newly restored St.-Annen-Museum and the Buddenbrookhaus for some cultural experience.
Take a seat on one of the tourist boats and ship around the city boats go off every hour or so on the Holstentor side of the Altstadt island. For example you get a beautiful view of the Salzspeicher Hanseatic salt warehouses; fans of classic horror movies might be interested by the fact that one of these Salzspeicher was the house of Count Nosferatu both in the Murnau film and the Werner Herzog remake with Klaus Kinski. If you've got more time to spent ship on along the Wakenitz river which links the Trave river with the Ratzeburg lake. Parts of the river offer an astonishing flora.
Go to the Cafe Niederegger (http://www.niederegger.de) Breite StraÃe and fill your stomach with marzipan and cakes
other regular events
July: Travemünder Woche sailing festival in Travemünde;
August: Duckstein Festival;
November/December: Artificers' market on Koberg;
July to September: Sand World sand sculpture exposition Travemünde;
December/January: Ice World ice sculpture exposition Willy-Brandt-Allee;
December: Weihnachtsmarkt Christmas fair at central market place, mediaeval market at St. Marien.
clubs and discotheques
Normally, they don't cater to a special scene, but have themes and playlists changing on a daily basis. Have a look at the respective web pages or at Piste Lübeck (http://www.piste.de) for a programme. If you are in Lübeck, you can get a free printed copy of Piste magazine in newspaper shops or some restaurants.
In Germany, the normal age to be admitted into a club/disco is 18 years or older. Teenagers over 16 years may be allowed to enter clubs and stay longer than 0:00pm when presenting a filled out form usually found on the internet saying that a person over 18years is caring for them for the time of their stay in the club and on their way home.
Some of the biggest/most frequented clubs in Lübeck are:
A1 Musikpark (http://www.a1-musikpark.de), Lohmühle;
Body & Soul (http://www.bodyandsoul.de): on a boat in the Trave river along KanalstraÃe has 1 fooseball-table - The Body&Soul hast closed, but opens from time to time for special events!;
Hüx (http://www.huex.de): HüxstraÃe;
Parkhaus (http://www.parkhaus.tv): HüxstraÃe vis-à -vis Hüx; has 2 fooseball-tables;
Megaparc Lübeck (http://www.mega-parc-lueb...), not in Lübeck but in the suburban Stockelsdorf
Fabrik 25
Eishaus (http://eishaus.emion-gmbh.de)
Cargo Schiff (http://www.cargo-schiff.d...), an old boat converted into a club/lounge
There are two more or less regular goth parties in Lübeck: Darkness Party (http://schwarzes-luebeck....) in Treibsand (http://schwarzes-luebeck....) and Schwarze Zone (http://schwarzes-luebeck.de) in the Burgtor see above. Since 2005, the Schwarze Zone Party is over, while DarknessParty still lives for over 12 years now.
Stadthalle southern Altstadt: mainstream;
Filmhaus KönigstraÃe, vis-à -vis Katharinenkirche: the special and off-beat film cinema;
Kommunales Kino MengstraÃe: niche films.
Luebeck.de > Aktuelles > Kinoprogramm (http://www.luebeck.de) keeps an updated programme for all cinemas in town.
Note that almost all films are dubbed in Germany, including Hollywood productions. Kommunales Kino is an exception, showing many subtitled films.
If you are visiting Lübeck during autumn, you might want to check out the Nordische Filmtage Nordic film days, a festival where films from Northern Europe especially Scandinavia are shown in all cinemas, most of them in the original languages with German or sometimes English subtitles. Get a festival programme in one of the cinemas.