
Hotel Hirschen
Bodanplatz 9
Single room € 75 to 85, double room € 102 to 122, triple room € 135 to 160
Just south of the old city centre

The proprietors speak English and can arrange for nearby parking for a modest fee.

Hotel Gretel
Zollernstraße 6
+49 7531 455825
in the old town
Bayrischer Hof
Rosgartenstraße 30
+49 7531 1304-0
Single: €68-€85, double: €100-€137, parking €8 extra
right in the centre of the old town
Hotel Graf Zeppelin
St. Stephansplatz 15
+49 7531 691369-0
Single: starting at €70. Rooms for 2, 3 or 4 people starting at €45, €38 and €35 per person, respectively
in the old town
Steinburger Island Hotel
at the end of 'Auf der Insel' street

This hotel is located on a small island in a former Dominican Cloister. Accessible by bridge from the old town.

Otto-Moericke-Turm youth hostel
Zur Allmannshöhe 16
+49 7531 32260
Approx. €22 to €35 per night
north end

If you're looking for a hostel, there are also a couple in the Swiss town of Kreuzlingen, which is practically a suburb of Konstanz.