(http://www.ristorante-fer...) italian restaurant, nice & big pizza from a stone oven in a very old house, near marktplatz, hauptstraãe 107, phone [0]6201-15257
(http://www.kugelofen.de) the restaurant on marktplatz, one of the few restaurants operating here for decades for a reason..., not cheap but still reasonable - very good german and italian food. phone[0]6201-66644.
Woinemer Hausbrauerei
(http://www.woinemer-hausb...) a micro brewery - own beer brewed in same buidling, also serving very good traditional regional food, friedrichstraãe 23, phone [0]6201-12001
La Cantina
(http://www.ristorante-fer...) posh italian restaurant with a big fishtank - maybe not the backpacker's choice. the waiters are dressep up well. you can get truffles, lobster, salmon - not to be confused with a canteen...