

Bavarian Military Museum
Paradeplatz 4 & Klenzepark
Ticket 2.00€ to 4.50€
Tue-Sun 8:45-17:00
In the ''Neues Schloss'' (lit. new castle) & Reduit Tilly

The museum is seperated into two locations. The Neues Schloss, a former duke's residence and part of the city wall, hosts a collection of military artifacts from different eras as well as a bunch of replicas. The Reduit Tilly, a part of the former state fortress in Klenze Park hosts a WWI exhibition. The latter is very instresting and structured museum, with exhibits and documents from the era and some short films which summarize the regarded history.

Audi Forum and Museum Mobile
+49 0800 - 2 83 44 44

The Audi Forum is a the part of the Audi facilities which is aimed at customers and interested people. There are high class restaurants, the Museum Mobile and it is the starting point for guided tours through the factory. The latter have to be booked with enough time in advance!