
Nymphenburg Porcelain Manufactory

(, nã¶rdliches schloãŸrondell 8; +49 89 179 197 10. hours: m-f 10am-5pm. offers beautifully handcrafted porcelain. the factory was founded in the early 1700s to create porcelain for the royal family and is located on the nymphenburg palace grounds.

Christmas market

During november and december, neuhausen has a very small but very friendly and cozy christmas market located adjacent to the kaufhof department store at the rotkreuzplatz subway station.


Pã¶tschner str. 5, +49 089/ 13077-0 (http://www.galeria-kaufho...). hours: m-f 9:30am-8pm, sa 9am-8pm, closed sunday. large department store that is located at the rotkreuzplatz subway station.