

Rick's Cafe
Wendl-Dietrich-Str. 5

Wendl-dietrich-str. 5. rick's cafe is an american-mexican restaurant with turkish owners. the staff are friendly, however some do not speak english so having a little knowledge of german will help. this is a convenient place for people staying at the youth hostel on wendl-dietrich-strasse u-bahn station rotkreuzplatz, because it is a minute walk on the same street.

Leonrodstr. 27

Located at leonrodstr/landshuter allee. only a short walk from rotkreuzplatz and serves very good vietnamese and asian dishes. it is a very small restaurant, but well worth the visit if you like authentic asian food.

Augustiner Biergarten / Keller
Arnulfstraße 52

In arnulfstrasse, close to hackerbrã¼cke. augustiner is the most popular beer among the young locals.

Löwenbräu Biergarten / Keller

In nymphenburger strasse at stiglmayerplatz.


There is fast food available and leberkã¤ssemmel is around rotkreuzplatz and around romanplatz.

Da Enzo

Wendl-dietrich-str. 5. an italian restaurant located across the street from rick's cafe. the owner and some of the employees speak a fair amount of english, but service is sometimes inconsistent.


Europe's largest beer garden. bring your own food or have some schweinebraten or schweinshaxe, together with 1l of beer or "radler".


The Big Easy
Frundsbergstr. 46

FrundsbergstraãŸe 46 on the corner of ruffinistraãŸe and frundstraãŸe, 089 15 89 02 53 ( hours: opens at 5pm. the big easy is an excellent cajun restaurant. it's a great place to eat or to relax with friends while drinking cocktails. the staff speaks excellent english and are very friendly. extensive brunch buffet on sundays. it's well worth the visit.

Chang Noi
Schlörstr. 1

This exquisite thai restaurant called "the litte elephant" is located at landhuter allee "mittlerer ring", very close to nymphenburger strasse.

Zum Koreaner

NymphenburgerstraãŸe 132 close to landshuter allee, 089 18985993 (http://www.zum-koreaner.d...). a korean restaurant serving tasty korean dishes.

Taj Mahal

One of the best indian restaurants in munich at nymphenburger strasse/landhuter allee "mittlerer ring".

Top end

Volkartstr. 70, +49 0 89/ 18954594. sassi is a place you should only visit if you are willing to spend around €50 per person. but if you do, you will get really excellent italian cuisine far beyond the usual pizza and pasta. the owner is a very friendly italian guy with a lot of experience with restaurants. this restaurant is a gem!