Music and theatre
Oper Bonn
Hosts classical music concerts, opera and dance. Check their website for a recent playing schedule. You can get tickets at the Theaterkasse, Windeckstr. 1, next to Münsterplatz from M-Sa 9AM-6:30PM18.30, Sa 9AM-4PM. Box office opens 1 hour before the performance begins. Ticket prices are moderate, especially for students.
Bonner Kammerchor
An amateur chamber choir made up of roughly forty members. The choir occasionally hosts free shows.
A functional multiplex in Bad Godesberg that shows one or two Films in the Original Version a day. Special prices Mon-W and for students.
A small art cinema in Bonn Beuel that regular shows European films also older ones in the original version not necessarily English
Most cinemas only show dubbed German versions of international films. Watch out in the program [ (] for OV=Original Version or OmU=Original mit Untertiteln, means with German subtitles. Amongst the few cinemas which show English films on a regular basis are
Rex und Neue Filmbühne
Two art cinemas in Bonn Beuel Friedrich-Breuer StraÃe 68 and Bonn Endenich which regularly show movies in the original version.
Enthusiastically celebrated in Bonn, especially on 11 November, the begin of the 'fifth season', and between Weiberfastnacht and Rosenmontag in February peak time, the exact dates differ every year. The best parties are in Bonn Beuel at Bahnhöfchen and Rheinlust, be there early and costumed, of course!. Bonn's central carneval parade Karnevalszug is on Monday Rosenmontag, but there are also parades in the different suburbs where it is not so crowded and you might catch more sweets Kamelle.
Rhein in Flammen
A big firework over the Rhine, usually on the first saturday in May. The most popular spot to watch it is the Rheinauen, where a big fair with music and food stalls is taking place, although it can become very crowded. Another opportunity is to book a ship tour in advance often with dinner, you will get tickets at the Brassertufer Rhine promenade, near Kennedy Bridge. The next dates for Rhein in Flammen are 1 May 2010, 7 May 2011, 5 May 2012.
A month long music festival in September with numerous concerts held in Bonn and aroung the Siebengebirge region. Many international musicians are showcased during the festival.
Pützchens Markt
A big fun fair with approximately 500 businesses in Bonn's suburb Pützchen which takes place in September for five days. You can catch buses at the main bus station next to the Hauptbahnhof. 2010, Pützchens Markt is from 9-14 September.