
The University of Duisburg-Essen is part of a consortium of three universities in the Ruhr-area University of Duisburg-Essen, Bochum, and DortmundL Germany's largest academic hub. (

International Christmas Market

From late november to early december the streets and historic allies of the city center are filled with over 200 arts and crafts stalls.

Essen Light Weeks


Lake Baldeney

baldeneysee. essen-hã¼gel and essen-kupferdreh stations. boat rentals, sailing, canoing.

Enjoy Essen

"essen genieãŸen", this is a word play since "essen" translates to "food" as well ( gourment highlights in autumn.

Spa and massage

spa and massage
Alte Badeanstalt'

( sauna, swimming pool, massages, fitness, wellness.

spa and massage
Visage & Body

( massage, wellness, cosmetic treatments.

spa and massage
Baldeneysee in Essen

(, gastronomie und natur im essener suã¼den.