The Rhine Valley is famous for wine, and this section of the Rhine along with its tributaries the Mosel and Nahe cover 5 of Germany's 13 officially recognized wine regions. From north to south:
Mosel: mostly sweet white Riesling, covers the entire Mosel River valley from Luxembourg to Koblenz
Mittelrhein: almost all Riesling, from Koblenz to Bingen left bank and Königswinter to Kaub right bank
Nahe: varies wines, along the Nahe river southwest of Bingen
Rheingau: the best-known, almost all high-quality Prädikat Riesling, but Assmannshausen's red Spätburgunder Pinot Noir is also famous; right bank only, from Lorch via Rudesheim to Wiesbaden
Rheinhessen: Germany's largest producer, along the left bank from Bingen through Mainz and south all the way to Worms