Jerez de la Frontera

Cuatro Gatos

Calle santa rosa, 10. jam session every tuesday, dj sessions every weekend at night. also blues, rock, punk. etc.

Discoteca Rouge
calle Zaragoza

Terrace, different atmosphere. ibiza flavour.

Avenida Álvaro Domecq

Avenida alvaro domecq. a bit stylish, people around 40â´s.

La Thipica

Good for some drink, but you can even keep dancing on any sunday evening.

Calle Francos

Calle francos, 18. a nice bar in the old area, always busy and funny, many local people. live pop music shows and cultural exchange. good atmosphere.


Calle zaragoza. big discoteca, mainly young people.


Calle adriã¡tico, 6-7. a bit posh but relaxing. live concerts.

La Lola

Calle porvenir, 1. three floors in a 1780â´s building. cool atmosphere. live shows everyweek.

Avenida Lola Flores

This new district, by the soccer stadium, attract many young people -and not so young-.

Café Bereber

Calle cabezas, 8. disco, flamenco show & dinner and also coffee shop. very late on weekend.

Tasting the local sherry is mandatory. There are two main areas to go out.

City center

People usually get some nice tapas around Plaza del Arenal or Plaza Rafael Rivero and then some drinks out.

Gay-lesbian scene

gay-lesbian scene
La Plaza de Chueca

Tea dance and cafã©. drag queen show every weekend and coffee place every sunday evening. c / josã© cã¡diz salvatierra, 4

gay-lesbian scene
Discoteca Fangorias

Guadalcacã­n. the only one gay disco in the province. mainly young people

gay-lesbian scene

Jerez is a tolerant and respectful city about LGBT community. Every June 28th the gay flag is hoisted from the City Hall and throughout the years there are numerous activities film series, lectures, LGBT theatre, etc...

gay-lesbian scene
La Alternativa

Vegetarian restaurant on san pablo (http://www.laalternativau...)