Plaza Mayor
this large central square, bustling with cafés and restaurants, really is the heart of the city.The 12th century Old Cathedral Catedral Vieja and the New Cathedral Catedral Nueva, built during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries - these two cathedrals are built next to one another.
The University - spread throughout the centre of Salamanca. Includes the Fonseca College and Anaya Palace buildings Universidad de Salamanca - Spanish only.
The late 15th century House of Shells La Casa de las Conchas - a building constructed in the time of the Catholic Kings, studded with 350 sandstone shells.
The Roman bridge over the Tormes - dating from the year 89 AD, this bridge was an important part of the Roman silver route, which ran from Mérida to Astorga.
Convento de San Esteban
Dominican monastery with a well-set presentation of missionaries in the New World. It's not one of the most famous attractions, so there's a good chance you can marvel at this religous community on your own. Impressive church.villages around salamanca
There are some interesting villages around Salamanca. Béjar is a town of around 16,000 inhabitants, which offers: