Free at McDonald's, Burger King, various bars, etc. Ticmovil set itself up as the Lloret internet. It is very expensive for short periods but cheaper by the month. It suffers from the problem of poor coverage of Lloret, and even in buildings where some sides receive it and the other side does not. Strength varies from broadband to dial up to no signal, so still room for improvement. Two places repair computers and laptops with a few minutes walk of NE corner of the bus station on Loreto and on Grandos. Several free hotspots can be found, and some hotels offer free internet as well.
Internet is available at a number of internet shops for about â¬1 an hour. Normally most charge 25 cents to print a page, notably a Ryanair ticket home though one such place charges â¬3. These places usually have phones also where you can phone home or locally, fairly cheaply.